Tricot Boutique

The project for Boutique Tricot was a success thanks to the collaboration and synergy of the team. I created the website on the Shopify platform, customizing the design to make it in line with the company's image and providing an easy and intuitive shopping experience for customers.

Constant monitoring of products, price updates and availability information in real time. Furthermore, I managed the publication of new products, including their details and photos, on a regular basis.

I have guaranteed a continuous connection between the website and the company's management system (ateleir98), so that product and stock data are always up to date.

Finally, I acted as a glue between the company and other external resources such as suppliers and marketing resources, ensuring that all partners were in sync to maximize the impact of marketing activities.

Thanks to this work, Boutique Tricot obtained a modern and functional website, efficient product management and greater online visibility.